The 27th International Space Development Conference
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The Public Space Event of the Year

The National Space Society invites you to join the excitement in Washington DC May 29-June 1 for what promises to be the biggest and best citizens' space conference of the year.

This conference marks the 27th anniversary of ISDC. Leaders from all segments of the space community will be on hand to share their inspiration for the future of space exploration and development.

Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities for ISDC 2008(pdf)

Sponsorship Opportunities

Recent conferences have been sponsored by NASA as well as leaders of the American space industry -- visionary companies who have recognized the value of the exposure, audience and network offered by ISDC. For ISDC 2008, a wide variety of sponsorship levels are available, so every company can find a package that suits its goals and budget. We invite you to demonstrate your support and attention for space exploration and its benefits by joining in sponsorship of ISDC 2008.

Exhibitor Opportunities

ISDC 2008 provides an excellent opportunity for exhibitors. With the conference taking place in downtown Washington DC more than 1,500 attendees are expected, as well as national and local media coverage. A variety of exhibitor options are available, ranging from large, full-scale exhibition spaces to areas suitable for smaller companies and businesses.

Key Leaders and Speakers

ISDC will bring together a diverse range of space leaders, from government to private enterprise, from scientist to artist. Support for ISDC 2008 will be led by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin and DARPA Director Anthony Tether. We anticipate another year of strong support from top officials from NASA. NASA support for ISDC for the past several years has been led by Shana Dale, NASA's Deputy Administrator; and also included Charles Elachi, Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Pete Worden, Director of Ames; Angela Diaz, Chief Education Officer; John Connolly, Lunar lander preproject manager; Neil Woodward, Manager, Commercial Orbital Transportation Services; Michael Coats, Director of NASA Johnson Space Center, and Robert Hopkins, Chief of Strategic Communications. We were also pleased to welcome Patricia Grace Smith, Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation FAA; Peter Diamandis, Chairman, X Prize Foundation; Elon Musk, CEO of Space Exploration Technologies; and many other leaders from the commercial space sector.

Conference Dates, Hotel and Location

ISDC will start on Thursday, May 29, at the Capital Hilton in downtown Washington, DC. The hotel is just two blocks north of the White House.